Group Coaching
Using pleasure to transmute grief into joy.
Service Description
PROGRAM DATES: September 29- November 23rd, 2024 This group coaching program is for you if: You have dealt with grief but haven’t figured out how to lift the fog. You think that there must be something broken in you or your body, or both. You feel overwhelmed and find it hard to access happiness, joy, and pleasure. You’ve researched everything grief related, tried a variety of therapies and modalities, and you feel frustrated because nothing seems to work. This 8-week program will transmute grief into joy, liberation and purpose. By the end you’ll have identified ways to bring and sustain happiness in your life. You’ll liberate yourself from the heaviness of grief. You’ll be empowered to navigate future pain, hurt, or grief from a place of authenticity and joy. You’ll have created a self-love practice that heals and fulfills you, allowing you to be your most authentic self. Best of all, you’ll gain a new community that can hold space for your transformation. We’ll dance, laugh, cry, share stories and create a sacred container to release grief and activate joy. The journey’s investment: • This program is valued at $1200, however, I’m taking over 50% off! • Pay in Full- $555 • Payment plan - Deposit $155, with two payments of $220. To enroll in the payment plan contact Robin Denise at
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You are signing up for Grief and Pleasure group coaching. You agree to attend the program from September 29th- November 23rd. There are 7 meetings. We will not meet on the weekend of October 12th. In Session 1 we will decide as a group our meeting days (Saturday or Sunday) and time. Missing more than 3 meetings will jeopardize your place in the program. Regularly check your email for program updates. Add to your accepted sender list. All sales are final. No refunds. Payment plan: final payment must be received by October 19th. To leave the program contact Robin Denise at If you need to postpone your involvement in the program, you must do so by the 2nd session. You have up to a year to use your postponed registration toward another group coaching cohort.